Elevating People out of Poverty!

Homeless Citizens Deserve a Second Chance to Realize their Potential!


Instead of tearing something down, let's come together and build something new, and we don't mean houses!

The Alternative to Housing First: "Elevator Economics Theory"!

How do you solve homelessness? Here is one answer or possible solution: Created by the Portland Oregon Homeless Rights Activist, Daniel Hoffman, an autodidactic homeless man with physical and mental disabilities, to solve an urgent need to find a compromising solution to the Homelessness Crisis before the artificial economy and bubble created by the Housing First Initiatives bursts.

"Elevator Economics Theory" is the cornerstone to, what Daniel is calling, the Housing "Last" Initiative. The Housing Last Initiative is the creative force behind the growing number of Portland area Homeless Service Providers who understand the crisis that is being created by Housing First, calling themselves the Housing Last Coalition these brave pioneers are discovering and participating in innovative solutions that place people over money.  Because, before we justify spending tax dollars on housing we first need to help Homeless Citizens heal the traumatic experiences of living on the streets and equip them with all the tools necessary to realize their fullest potential. This strategy could potentially save tax payers billions of dollars by investing in the right resources, people, and not Corporations and 501 3 C's.

General Concept: Provide the means to elevate the poor class of society out of poverty while providing more revenue to social programs that benefit the homeless citizens' individual personal pursuit to a higher quality of life. 

The Vision: Create Healing Centers not shelters. Delete the current Client/Participant, Us/Them paradigm and replace it with Brother and Sister type relationship.  A "Healing Center" is a large communal based living program, that encourages volunteerism, alternative medicines, sharing, meditation, positive sleeping patterns, healthy eating habits and nutrition, aggression free behavior and a substance free lifestyle. The healing centers uses love and compassion as it's source of all activities. Disagreements are settled in group settings. The Healing Center's aim is to inspire entrepreneurism, creativity and imagination instead of unskilled job placement. Let the musician become a musician, the artist an artist, the tradesman or skilled worker an entrepreneur. We accomplish this through a health and robust philanthropic network that offers microloans and resources in exchange for small equity stakes in the individual's accomplishment, which those equity stakes get 100% re-invested into the healing centers until the disease of poverty has been healed at the microcosm of the individual and the macrocosm of our great country.

Why do we need a solution to Housing First?

  • The current shelter system's trauma-informed care is furthering the divide between staff and Homeless Citizens by soliciting inauthentic behavior by paid staff in order to maintain authority and control over people who just want a second chance.
  • Housing First uses the whole number of the Point in Time Count to justify building "Housing Units" but doesn't take into account that the majority of those numbers of homeless citizens are ineligible for the housing because of federal limitations and barriers i.e. current substance abuse, drug-related criminal offenses, certain psychiatric disorders and many more. These unused units will have to be defaulted back to fair market value increasing the profitability of the developers and property management companies, all while enjoying tax-breaks and specialized insurance products that protect the landlord from tenants with no regard to tenant rights through Bond Schemes.
  • Placing people in 450 sq.ft. boxes and taking away their disability checks, or worse, forcing them into low-wage unskilled jobs to pay the rent is not taking into account the potential of each individual. Poverty is a step down from homelessness not a step up.
  • Instead, let's "Elevate" people out of poverty all together!

More Resources!

One potential solution to hold accountability to the shelter and housing first initiatives is offered by (SHAC) the Sheltered and Homeless Advocacy Coalition, this coalition also is the parent to the Homeless Citizens Movement. Read more details Here: SHAC Website
Another great resource for interesting news stories related to Homeless Rights and the struggle Daniel Hoffman has gone through going up against the most powerful people and organizations in Portland and the U.S. Law Enforcement Community. Visit the Portland Alt Delete- Giving an Alternative to the Official Narrative HERE!

© Copyright Elevator Economics Theory- An Alternative to Housing First